Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Well... it's official...

I am a SAHM!!!! For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about... I am now a Stay At Home Mom :) I am thrilled and honestly could just do cartwheels until the cows came home, but I'm trying my best to keep my excitement hidden as Jon has been working his tail off and I don't want to rub it in that I'm done and he still has to work like a mad man.

I know that I've been slacking on my blog, but man, that last month of school is brutal.

I want to warn you all to be prepared... I'm back and I'm ready to blog... so watch out!!!

Last night we attended Claudia's Celebration of Learning (aka- Kinder Graduation). It was so fun to see her with her friends and to hear such wonderful things about her from her teacher. Let's face it... we all know our kids are the best in the world, but it does feel darn good hearing it from someone else :)

Here's some pictures from the BIG event :)

Don't the little girls look thrilled... LOL!!!

Bring on the hardest, most rewarding job in the world... wooohoooo for being a mama!!!


  1. Glad you're back Jenn! You always make me smile. :)

  2. Congrats Jen!! maybe we can swap notes! I LOVE being at home with my boys!

    I cant beleave how much Claudia has grown, you have some Beautiful girls!
