Friday, June 11, 2010

In honor of Claudia's accomplishments...

yeah, can't believe my 1st born is going to "officially" be a 1st grader in a matter of hours... **wiping tears**. I am SO proud of her. I think one of the most amazing accomplishments for her is her reading ability. She can pick up anything and read it... it's amazing. However, that also brings us to a new chapter in our lives... grocery shopping with a reader. So the other day her and I were able to spend some time together, just the 2 of us. Well... we finished our day of fun and made our way to Walmart. Not thinking about "my reader", I turn down the feminine hygiene aisle... yup, you guessed it, the next thing I hear...

"playtex tampons... mom, what are playtex tampons?"

Yup... that was a fun conversation. Thankfully I was able to just blow it off as something really big girls need. I threw the box in the cart and just kept shopping. I'm so not ready to have that "real" conversation yet.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!!! Can't wait for that conversation either!! Way to go Claudia!! Love/hate watching them go more independent!
