Saturday, August 13, 2011


Wow... 1st of all, 4:30am is way too early to be up on a Saturday morning {thank you hubby's work schedule}. Then the morning storm rips through and I have 3 little ladies who are scared to death that another tree is going to hit the house and that we'll have a black out again. Ugh, good times I tell ya!!! As I sit here trying to put the finishing touches on our Chicago trip the constant fighting and bickering has finally made me snap. As of right now all 3 girls are in their rooms. Claudia is blaming Constance, Constance is bawling and Chloe is giggling away, while riding her rocking horse!!! Why can't they all get along?!?! I call a {re-do}!!!! The house is destroyed with toys, you'd think a tornado ripped through the inside of the house, and yet they sit here telling me their bored. Seriously, how can you be bored. I'm tempted to show the big one what being bored really looks like. Oh and if the 2 little ones can't start sharing soon, they too will become bored, very fast!!!

AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! {insert a vision of me screaming and pulling out my hair, jumping up and down like a toddler I know having a tantrum}

I post this because I know I am not alone. Many of my mommy friends could have wrote the same post. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my girls, but the constant fighting and bickering is going to push me over the edge. I'm not looking for any advice, or any sympathy... I just need to write out my thoughts. I know in 20 years {hopefully} I will sit back and think "wow, it's so quiet here, I wish the girls were back home, fighting and all." I post this all here as a reminder of what my life was like at this very second. While I'm on the edge of needing a padded room, I'm also reminded just how much I love my life, my hubby and my girls. Yes, I'm very hopeful that my {re-do} is better than the 1st try of the day... but we shall see.

As my post comes to a close, the crying and yelling has ended... I think I hear giggling out of all 3 girls. I know they are ready to get out of their rooms, but I think I'll crack open a nice diet coke 1st and enjoy this very moment. To end I find it fitting to have one more moment... are you ready?!?!

aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! {insert a vision of this calm, cool, relaxed mama, sipping a nice cold diet coke cherishing the moment of giggles coming from behind closed doors}

it goes way too fast, things change way too quick... enjoy every moment... that's my motto and I'm sticking to it!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

quote of the day...

Constance holding a bag of skittles ~ "look mom, gamma gave me skittles. I had one thousand today."

Thankfully "gamma" also wore her out so she went right to sleep... it could have been a long night after eating one thousand skittles... LOL!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

a {less gross} update...

Now that the gross stuff is all out of the way, and the girls are actually playing nice at the moment I thought it was a good time to update on the events of summer. We have been busy!!! The cottage, the pool, the fair, parks, playdates with friends, the beach and lazy days in pj's have all made the list of fun things we've done this summer. It's hard to believe that it's already August. That means the "S" word is right around the corner... ugh!!! That word is so depressing. In case someone is unaware of the "S" word, it's a word that rhymes with cruel... (quite fitting that they rhyme... LOL!!!)

Claudia has had "the best summer ever"... at least twice a week I hear "mom, this is the best day ever!!!" She is LOVING the pool. The girl started the summer swimming with her life jacket and swim ring, and is now jumping off the diving board with only a life jacket and in the last few days has figured out that she can swim under the water and that it's okay if her face gets wet. She loves it and I LOVE that her confidence in swimming is growing every time we're in the pool. Sunday she told me that I was the best swimming teacher every!!! Oh how it melted my heart. She's been reading a lot and we've started working on multiplication (thanks to the $1 books at Target). She's also into the Kid Bop's Music right now... the girl knows pretty much all the words on discs 18, 19 & 20. She can totally out sing me. However, it's just another reminder that she is growing up and isn't my little preschool song singing girl anymore. Back to "S" shopping should be quite the adventure this year.

Constance is a trip... the girl says the cutest things. She doesn't have to try to silly either, she is just naturally silly. She is SO excited for "pees-cool". When we were at the fair last week she kept telling everyone that the fair was at her "pees-cool". She picked out a new backpack the other day, and has pretty much wore the zipper out already. She's also my drama queen. It's amazing to me how quickly she can turn the tears on. She's also an instigator... her younger sister doesn't take any crap though and has caused many tears to be shed by Constance. One minute they can be best of friends and then the next they become worst enemies.

Chloe... wow, the girl has a temper. It's fierce!!! She is talking more and more each day. I love it when I put her to bed and she says, "nite, nite mommy... I wuv you mommy... seet dreams mommy"... oh how I love to hear her cute little voice. She unfortunately is also my biter. Poor Constance usually gets the blunt of the biting, with Claudia taking 2nd place and sadly even her little friend Ava. We went for 2 weeks that she would bite daily. The biting would come out of no where... there were a few times that Constance would be right in her face being an instigator, but most of the time it was so random. Thankfully she is not just biting to bite anymore and we are down to maybe once a week instead of daily. It's so crazy how each kiddo is SO different. I think we are on the right track though. We continue to be consistent with discipline and hopefully my next update we are biting free. It was bad enough that she was biting her sisters, but I was SO embarrassed when she bite little Ava. No mom wants to be the mom of "the playgroup biter". Hopefully we are over the worst of the issue.

As for our family... we are super excited to take a family vacation together. It's only a long weekend away at the cottage, but it will be so nice to be together as a family. We will be more than ready to get away as we are going to be in the midst of a mess at our house when construction starts in 2 weeks. We will be having our roof replaced and the damage from the wind storm fixed. I am beyond thrilled that we aren't doing the work ourselves this time, but it is still going to be a mess around here.

Well... talk about a lot of blah, blah, blahing today... I wish I could be better and do it more on a regular basis rather than writing these novels every few months... maybe someday, but right now this is going to have to do. Time to throw in another load of laundry and to see what damage has been done by the girls. There hasn't been any fighting while I've been writing this out... I'm actually quite amazed... I'm going to enjoy it now, because in 10 minutes that may not be the story. That's my life, and I'm loving it!!!