Wednesday, April 7, 2010

so much for sleeping in...

since Jon's been waking up at the butt crack of dawn, the rest of the house follows suit. Oh well... could be worse. I could be back in those newborn days when the baby is up every 2 hours to eat... oh how I'm so glad those days are over and all 3 girls sleep at least 10 hours straight every night. Last night I didn't sleep much... I just couldn't rest my mind. All I could think about was sewing today and how I was going to lay out my fabric and how I was going to have "sew" much fun... yes, I'm a dork!!! You'd think it was the night before Christmas for me. It's amazing how things amuse me these days.

Guess I better move along though... probably not the best idea to let the big girls get their own breakfast today... they don't need any more energy then they already have and something tells me that having "elly beans" for breakfast wouldn't be a good thing.


  1. oh, jenn....were you really up at 4:30am??

    i can hardly crawl out of bed at 7am to get my kids off to school LOL!

  2. nope... just had the settings wrong... LOL!!! This morning we were up at 4:30... oh the joys.
