Thursday, April 8, 2010

open 025.jpg, adjustment layers, levels, brightness/contrast, save as, close... repeat, repeat, repeat... that's what the day has consisted of for me... sounds like fun huh?!?! For me it actually is fun, I enjoy watching those pictures "pop", and really love it when they get burned on a CD and I am able to hand deliver them to clients. My CD burner has been down for quite some time (that is going to be my next purchase, unless the 85 mm that I'm drooling over calls my name louder... LOL!!!) Since I've been so productive today it looks like I'm going to be making a trip to mom's to burn some CD's.

Lunch was McDonalds... thank you Grandpa R. :)

I'm also trying to catch up on some trash TV... I used to LOVE watching General Hospital and still try to catch it when I can, but usually I miss it, but today I have time so today I'm trying to catch up. It's funny how you can miss it for weeks and you can pick up right where you left off. Oh Port Charles friends... oh how I've missed you.

Better go finish some more pictures... I just needed a break and felt like sharing some blah, blah, blahs...


  1. Fellow nerd alert... I love photo editing, too! Sounds like you use Photoshop? If you haven't tried Lightroom, it will CHANGE YOUR WORLD! User Presets: YES PLEASE. :)

  2. Love the blog!! So excited to keep up to date on your life!!! :) Hope you are enjoying your break!!!

  3. Lightroom... I'm not sure I want to try something new... I'm already addicted as is... ah, what the heck... off to check it out ;)
