Wednesday, April 28, 2010

funny kid...

So last night Constance was being her normal "stinker" self. Her and Claudia are playing, getting rough (yes, even girls can play rough) when Constance decides to bite Claudia. Unfortunately it's not the 1st time, so I take Constance to the "naughty spot" in our house... here's how our conversation went...

me ~ "Constance, you have a choice, you can sit here to take your time out or go to your bedroom."

Constance ~ no answer, just a cute little smirk on her face...

me ~ "you have a choice, here or your room?"

Constance ~ still no answer, just that cute smirk again...

me ~ "I'm going to count to 3 and you need to make a choice, or I will make a choice for you. Here or your room?"

Constance ~ looks me straight in the eyes and says "NOTHING" and laughs.

Seriously, how does she know that nothing can be an answer to my question. I had all I could do to not laugh at her. She did end up doing the time out in the "naughty spot", but I definitely had a good laugh getting her there.

1 comment:

  1. Morgan and Constance are not allowed to play together!! It wouldn't be good!! It is amazing what they say!
